Monday, December 16, 2013



1.      A SuperWoman is authentic with herself.

2.      A SuperWoman has identified her top five life roles.

3.      A SuperWoman focuses on giving 100% to her top five roles.

4.      A SuperWoman understands that she can do anything she wants, but she can’t do everything.

5.      A SuperWoman understands the differences between “kindness” and “doormat.”

6.      A SuperWoman is not guilty saying NO to people that have mistaken her for a doormat.

7.      A SuperWoman sets boundaries with people who are negative that she cannot rid of.

8.      A SuperWoman sets boundaries with all people, even spouses, children and co-workers.

9.      A SuperWoman is aware and can catch her own negative or self-sabotaging thoughts.

10.  A SuperWoman is able to reframe her own negative thoughts.

11.  A SuperWoman is aware and understands what barriers she frequently encounters.

12.  A SuperWoman has a plan to work through her barriers.

13.  A SuperWoman controls her actions and reactions.

14.  A SuperWoman accepts the fact that she can’t change the past, but that she is control of her future. This goes for her childhood, grudges and regret.

15.  A SuperWoman is aware that she cannot control others, she can guide them, but she can’t drive their car for them.

16.  A SuperWoman can separate or compartmentalize her frustrations.

17.  A SuperWoman does not hold someone at fault for long because she knows she is only hurting herself at that point.

18.  A SuperWoman admits when she is wrong.

19.  A SuperWoman works toward fulfilling HER bucket list.

20.  A SuperWoman can be simple and enjoy the moment.

21.  A SuperWoman rewards herself every day. Little successes and being helpful toward others deserve a reward every time.

22.  A SuperWoman acknowledges that she is not “lucky,” she has earned her status.

23.  A SuperWoman does not make decisions at low or angry points.

24.  A SuperWoman has healthy support systems.

25.  A SuperWoman rids of her toxic “friends.”

26.  A SuperWoman stays away from negative people.

27.  A SuperWoman asks for help when she is ill.

28.  A SuperWoman asks for help when she is not ill.

29.  A SuperWoman has identified and embraces her story.

30.  A SuperWoman doesn’t ask people to bring balloons to her pity party.

31.  A SuperWoman tells her story in a manner that reflects strength and resilience.

32.  A SuperWoman uses the negativity from her past to help others by giving, supporting or teaching them.

33.  A SuperWoman consciously focuses on recreating new and healthier habits.

34.  A SuperWoman is not Type A or Type B, she is Type S.
I encourage you to add to this list in the comments section!


  1. A super woman will not give in to defeat and challenges; she will persist until she conquar. A super woman is an hero.

  2. A super woman will not give in to defeat and challenges; she will persist until she conquar. A super woman is an hero.

  3. A SuperWoman will not tolerate unkindness to herself and others.
