Monday, April 7, 2014



At 7a.m. my husband left for work. At 7:15a.m. I realized my makeup bag was left in his backpack from a trip we took yesterday. If you are a woman, you know this is a minor tragedy, and thus frantically, I called him. Sure enough, he sees the makeup bag in this backpack.

Inside I was screaming, OMG. But in reality, I knew I couldn’t make him turn around. Sure, I would have been happy, but I would make him late and the people at his work fall behind for the day. It was a done deal; the makeup was going to be MIA.

Meanwhile, back in reality, I was getting the boys off to school and feeding them breakfast. My oldest said, “Mom, can you please grab the milk for me?” I told him, “Honey, I just dealt with a minor issue.” His words back to me: “So, lets move on.”

That is it! Move on. How many times do we get caught up in the little things, and let them ruin our whole day? Especially Mondays. Monday sets the tone for the week, as does your mindset. Did I really want my makeup bag to ruin my day and possibly my week? What the heck was I thinking?

When we got to the car, I realized my son forgot to grab his backpack. I could have ran back upstairs for it, yelling at both him and myself, ruining 2 people’s days, all because of my stupid makeup! I could have chalked it up to “A typical Monday morning” and “Well, I see how this week is going to be.” Then, without hesitation, my mindset would have created a negative week for me.

This week, “Lets Move On.” When the computer goes down, you find out you didn’t get that job promotion, or you leave your makeup bag somewhere, lets just move on. Some of the issues you might face, are big issues, like not getting promoted, and some are just down right frustrating, like forgetting the makeup bag, but in both situations, the only thing that can be changed is your attitude.

How many times has a negative attitude held you back, encouraged you to make a poor decision, or put you in an irritable spot for couple days? This has happened to all of us.

This week, I challenge you to just march forward, and figure out what can you do with what you have.

This week, “Lets Move On.”

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